Faith over Fear


Our world is full of fear, and that fear can rub off onto us without us even noticing. It creeps up like an animal looking for its prey, and jumps at the right moment when we are vulnerable. We need to always be on the look out for devil so we can be prepared for when he tries to attack us. There are so many different tactics that the devil will use to attack us with, but one very common one is fear, and especially in our world today, we can see it everywhere we look. The amazing thing is, we do not have to allow that fear to affect us because we have a weapon against it, and that weapon is faith. In the bible, God promises us that we can trust Him that He has everything in control, and will only do what is best for us, even when we may not see it sometimes.

When Satan takes that fear and plants it into our heads, he is trying to control us and make us believe that God is not in control. We can either allow him to have the satisfaction of winning us over, or block him out and fill our heads with God's truth instead. No matter how much we worry or stress over things, it won't change what has happened or will happen, and it will only hurt us mentally in the long run. When we feel that fear trying to be pushed into our heads, we can turn to God's word and ask God to take that fear and turn it into faith. It is amazing how everything can change when you shift your mindset to having faith and trusting God with everything in your life, instead of filling it with unnecessary fear.

We are humans, and being afraid is a part of our nature, and it is okay to feel afraid, but we should not allow that to consume our thoughts, and every time we feel afraid, we give it to God and allow him to speak truth into that fear. Pray as much as you think about it. Every time you have a thought that is drawn from fear, pray about it, and allow God to fill that fear with peace. We do not have any control on what will happen to us or to the world around us, so why not put your trust in a God who does?


It can be hard to put your trust in someone you may not be able to see in person, but that is where the faith comes in, and you can see God everywhere you look if you open your eyes to Him. In that gentle breeze, to the sunsets in the sky, to the kindness of a person, and even in the bible, we can feel God and see pieces of His personality.

God is always providing a way for us and already has our amazing futures planned out, and we do not want to miss out on where He is trying to lead us, and fear can cause us to do that if we do not recognize it and catch it before it attacks. Place your faith in a Father who promises to never let go of you and will always love you no matter what, and by doing that you can kick the devil out of your head and get rid of that fear that tries to steal your joy.   


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