A time of waiting


I can not believe that it has already been 8 months since I started Bible School and now I am living back at home again. These past 8 months, I had my life planned out for me and did not have much to worry about. The thought of leaving scared me, because my future is unknown and I would be leaving what is comfortable to me and all the people I love. After living in this amazing place, I thought that moving back home would mean I would be downgrading back to how my life was like a year ago before I went to Bible school.

These past few weeks I have been wrestling a lot with this idea, and God turned that idea I had and flipped it around to show me how I should view this change in my life. God showed me that living a life with Him is never downgrading, and even though it may physically look like I am downgrading back to my old life, I am different internally and can take this change and have a whole attitude and perspective on life. God is bringing me back home for a reason to prepare me for what He has planned for the rest of my life, and all I can do is trust Him and come along for the ride. Even though being back at home has been a hard adjustment, God has given me so much peace about it and about the future that is just a head of me.

In our lives, we will always have highs and lows, and even though it is easy to praise God and trust Him when we are in a high in our life, we need to not loose that excitement and passion while we are in a time of waiting. Sometimes these times of waiting will be boring and it will seem like we are going no where with our lives, but even though we can not see behind the scenes, God is working, and in order for Him to do that, we need to be grateful for the places He has placed us in and use that time of waiting to grow and ask God what He is trying to teach us through these experiences.

We are never guaranteed tomorrow, and every day that we wake up is a gift from God, and we should take that gift and use it to make this world a better place. Living a life with God will never be boring, and sometimes living in a time of waiting can be where God reveals himself the most and will use us in amazing ways.


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