Stepping into the Unknown

Life can throw unexpected situations at us that can be sometimes difficult to handle. As humans, we love the comforts of our lives and planning out every situation we go through or have to face. The problem with that, is that there is only one person who knows exactly what is going to happen and has control, and unfortunately that person is not us. We may think we can control what happens, but really the only thing we have control of is how we react and respond to the situations we find ourselves in. Are we going to surrender and say yes to where God is leading us, or are we going to ignore His calling and stay in our comforts? I am not saying that our comforts are bad, because they are not....unless they hold us back from following God. God will put us in situations for His purpose, to test and strengthen us, even though we may never understand why. Instead of being afraid of the unknown, we need to trust God and step into uncharted waters with faith. He will never put you in a situ...