

Hurt, a word we can easily give power to, to define who we are. When we are hurt by someone, especially if they are close to us, it can leave scars on our hearts and wound us to the point where we don't think we will ever be able to heal from it. At one point in my life, I thought it would be impossible to ever trust people again, because I was afraid to let myself get hurt one more time. I thought my heart was far gone from being mended and I would never feel normal again. Allowing the hurt to consume yourself, making yourself feel like you are sitting in the dark all alone, will just hurt you even further to the point of suicidal thoughts. If we sit with the hurt too long, we can allow it to creep into every part of our lives and define us for who we are. Once it starts to define us, we believe all the lies we have been told and that the hurt we have experienced is who we are and we will never be without it and should just accept it and live with it weighing us down each and every day.

But we do not have to allow the hurt to define us and weigh us down. Instead of accepting it and allowing it to take over your body, you can turn to God and lay it down at His feet. Over the past few months I have learned that we do not have to carry our burdens or hurts because when Jesus came down to the earth and died for us, He was accepting all of those hurts, sins, burdens, everything that we have and put it on His shoulders to carry it for us. God has never promised us an easy ride through this life, but He has promised He will walk beside us the whole time and will carry all of our burdens for us so we can live without it weighing us down. We just need to be willing to let go of our grip on it and lay it before God allowing him to mend our hearts and show us that our hurts do not define who we are, rather they strengthen us and teach us. Once I did this, it was amazing how light I felt and I was able to have my heart mended and the strength to trust again. There is always going to be people who will hurt you and try to cut you down, and it does not mean we should ignore it and pretend it has not happened, but acknowledge it and bring it to God without allowing it to consume us. Being able to allow these hurts to strengthen us will help us become a better version of ourselves and stronger for the next mountains we will have to climb.


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