The Hope of the Manger

Christmas is by far my favorite holiday of the whole year. Growing up, I understood the true meaning of Christmas, but like any kid the presents and the food were always first in line inside of my head. To say, Christmas is about Jesus' birth and how he came to earth to save us from our sins, is one thing, but do we actually understand what that means for us, or are we just saying that because that is what we were taught as kids to say? The older I became, the more I started to realize how much more significant Christmas actually is. I mean, the beginning of the story already starts off bizarre! Mary becomes pregnant by the Holy Spirit with the Son of God. To me, that already is almost humanly impossible to comprehend, because it is something that does not normally happen here on earth. God sent His only son, to the earth as a baby, to be born in a dirty, smelly, and uncomfortable stable, so He could be killed for us. I don't think that would be easy for any parent, to give t...